Attendance FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions for attending a Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong class

Q. What clothing should I wear when attending a Tai Chi/Qi Gong class?

A. Any type of clothing which will allow you to stretch and will not restrict your movements, track pants, t-shirts or elasticised legging or gym tops are ideal.

Q. What should I wear on my feet?

A. All weekday evening classes are in doors at our studio space, so bare feet is best, where as Saturday morning classes are in the Park, so wear training shoes.

Q. Do I have to have some experience of Tai Chi or Qi Gong before attending a class?

A. No prior experience of Tai Chi or Qi Gong is necessary before attending a class and complete beginners are most welcome.

Q. Are the classes suitable for beginners, intermediate or advanced?

A. All classes are suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced practitioners, as I always teach mixed classes. Students are often paired up with some one of the level above them, so there is an element shared teaching and learning at every level.

Q. Where are the classes held?

A. All evening weekday classes are held at our own studio space at 2A Nimrod Passage, Dalston, London, N1 4BU.

Saturday morning classes are held in the park at Rosemary Gardens, Off Southgate Rd, London, N1 3DT. (next to the Five A Side football courts).

Q. How much is a class?

A. £15 for 90 min class.. £10 low income

  • Individual One to One training, coaching sessions 1 hour. £50.

Q. Do I have to phone before attending my first class?

A. Yes it is best to phone before attending your first class as there is a code  for the  security gate at the end of  Nimrod Passage.  Phone 07973672602